Sunday, 11 August 2013

Stock Rom For Micromax A57

a57_1_051223408627 - CopyHot smileAre you searching for the Official Stock ROM For Micromax A57 Ninja 3.Then you are right place today I am going to present you the way through which one can install stock ROM in Micromax A57 Ninja 3.By installing this stock rom in Micromax A57 one can easily retrieve their original warranty in Micromax device as this is the official ROM by Micromax.


1. Your mobile should have 70%-80% battery. (We recommend you should charge the battery 100%)

2.You should enable USB Debugging mode in your android device. (All applications>Settings>Manage Applications>Development> USB Debugging)

3. You must back up your device data to keep it safe.    
*To Backup Contacts and accounts use MyBackupPro app from GOOGLE PLAY    
*To Backup Rom use Go to             - Recovery Mode(Press Vol+ and Power Button)              -Then Select "backup and restore" option             
             -Then Select "backup"

5. Your Micromax A57 Ninja 3 must be rooted and (CWM) Clockword Mod Installed in it.If you don't know refer to this article. ""

6. Download the Official Custom ROM For Micromax A57 Ninja 3 from below.


Stock Rom File


 SnailDon't be in hurry.Please be patient while performing the below stepsTurtle

1. Copy downloaded file( in to your SD card.

2. Now Switch Off your Micromax A57 Ninja 3  and boot into CWM Recovery by key combinations " Pressing Volume Up and power key (together for sometime till boot menu opens).Use Volume keys to move up and down and use power key to select.

3. Perform a full data wipe by selecting "wipe data/factory reset" and "wipe cache partition" and then go to advanced section and from there select "wipe Dalvik cache".

4. Now go to main menu and select "install zip from SD card">Official Custom ROM For Micromax A57 Ninja 3>confirm yes.The process will take 5 minutes as it is not a long process.The ROM will get installed after this.

5. Now go back to main menu and reboot your device.It will take usually 5-10 minutes.As all apps will load in system.

6.Finished installing Stock ROM in your Micromax A57 Ninja 3.

Smile7.Enjoy……….!!!Thumbs up


  1. is the latest update

  2. i cant able to go recovery mode bcoz my mobile is not connecting with pc what to do for install recovery rom

  3. i cant able to go recovery mode bcoz my mobile is not connecting with pc what to do for install recovery rom

  4. i installed a custom rom and now iwant to go to stock how do i do it
