Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Touch CWM Recovery for Micomax A57

ClockWorkMode Recovery(TOUCH):


  • Touch Interface
  • Terminal access from memory
  • ADB root in recovery
  • Full wipe before flashing new ROM


  1. Download and install "RECOVERY MANAGER" app
  2. Install the RecoveryManager app
  3. Download recovery.img file from below
  4. Place "recovery.img" file in the /SDcard (Root of SD card)
  5. Open the RecoveryManager App and select "install recovery" button
  6. Then select the "recovery.img" file.(Please be patient or it might not flash right) 
  7. Done :)

Screen Shots:


PaneerSelvam, DineshKumar, DineshPalaniswamy, RushiPawar, Sasa Kovacic.

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